孕途泰国试管婴儿 发表于 2014-7-19 19:52:20


Infertility (clinical definition): a disease of thereproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.不孕不育Initiated cycle: an ART cycle in which the woman receives specificmedication for ovarian stimulation, or monitoring in the case of naturalcycles, with the intention to treat, irrespective of whether or not follicularaspiration is attempted.启动周期Laparoscopy – an abdominalsurgical procedure using an endoscopic(fibre optictelescope) equipment to visualize the interior of the abdomen, mainly theuterus, fallopian tubes ovaries and other organs. The laparoscope may also beused to   perform surgicalprocedures, with the use of other specialized equipment.腹腔镜检查Live birth活产   Live birthrate活产率Live delivery: a live delivery is the delivery of one or moreliveborn infants, with the birth of twins, triplets or more counted as one livedelivery.活胎分娩Low birthweight: a birthweight of less than 2,500 grams.低出生体重LH – Luteinizinghormone, produced and released by the pituitary gland, and is responsible forthe maturation and release of the egg in female and testosterone production inthe male.黄体生成素(促黄体素)Luteal Phase - Days of themenstrual cycle after ovulation and ending with menses during whichprogesterone is produced.黄体期Luteinized Unruptured Follicle (LUF) Syndrome - Clinical indications that ovulation has occurred (blood hormonalchanges, temperature rise on the BBT chart, appropriate secreting endometriumfound on endometrial biopsy) but the egg is not released from the ovary; thefollicular sac is unruptured and the egg is trapped.黄素化综合症Menstruation - Shedding of theuterine lining by bleeding that, in the absence of pregnancy, normally occursabout once a month in the mature female.月经MESA –Microsurgical EpididymalSperm Aspiration显微附睾精子穿刺MESE: microsurgical epididymal sperm extraction.显微附睾取精术Micromanipulation: a technology that allows micro-operative proceduresto be performed on the spermatozoon, oocyte, zygote, or embryo.显微操作MicroTESE: Microsurgical testicular sperm extraction.显微睾丸取精术Missed abortion: a clinical abortion where the embryo(s) orfetus(es) is/are nonviable and is/are not expelled spontaneously from theuterus.稽留流产Multiple gestation/birth: a pregnancy/delivery with more thanone fetus/neonate.多胎分娩Myomectomy - Surgical removal of a tumor (myoma) in theuterine muscular wall.子宫肌瘤切除术Natural cycle IVF: an IVF procedure in which one or more oocytesare collected from the ovaries during a spontaneous menstrual cycle without anydrug use.自然周期IVFNecrospermia - Condition in whichsperm are produced and found in the semen but are not alive and are unable tofertilize eggs.死精症Neonatal period: the time interval that commences at birthand ends 28 completed days after birth.新生儿期Oligo-ovulation - Infrequentovulation, usually less than six ovulatory cycles per year.排卵少Oligospermia - Abnormally lownumber of sperm in the ejaculate of the male.少精症Oocyte (egg): a female reproductive cell.卵子,卵母细胞OPU (oocyte pick-up): the procedure to collect oocytes fromovaries, usually by ultrasound-guided transvaginal aspiration and rarely bylaparoscopic surgery.取卵术Ovarian Failure (OF) - Inability of the ovary to respond to any gonodotropic hormonestimulation, usually due to menopause.卵巢早衰OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome): the complication ofovulation stimulation therapy, which involves the administration of folliclestimulating hormone (FSH). OHSS symptoms include abdominal pain and fluid retention.卵巢过度刺激综合症Ovaries - Sexual glands ofthe female that produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone and in which theova are developed. There are two ovaries, one on each side of the pelvis.卵巢Ovarian torsion: partial or complete rotation of the ovarianvascular pedicle that causes obstruction to ovarian blood flow, potentiallyleading to necrosis of ovarian tissue.卵巢扭转Ovulation - Discharge of amature egg, usually at about the midpoint of the menstrual cycle.排卵Ovulation induction (OI): pharmacologic treatment of women withanovulation or oligo-ovulation with the intention of inducing normal ovulatorycycles.促排卵Ovulatory Dysfunction - Problem existing inthe ovary-either the egg is not released from the ovarian follicle or the process of egg development isabnormal.排卵功能障碍Parity: a classification of a woman in terms of the number ofprevious pregnancies experienced that reached 20 weeks or more gestation.产次Parous: refers to a woman who has had at least one previouspregnancy of 20 weeks or more gestation.经产的Perinatal death: a fetal death (stillbirth) or neonatal deathof at least 20 weeks gestation or at least 400 grams birthweight.围产儿死亡Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) - Inflammatory disease of the pelvis, often caused by infection orendometriosis.盆腔炎PESA – PercutaneousEpididymal Sperm Aspiration经皮附睾精子穿刺Pituitary - Gland located atthe base of the human brain that secretes a number of important hormonesrelated to normal growth development and fertility.脑垂体Polycystic Ovarian (PCO) Syndrome - Development of multiple cysts in the ovaries due to arrestedfollicle growth. This is caused by an imbalance in the amount of LH and FSHreleased during the ovulatory cycle.多囊卵巢综合症(PCOS)Postcoital Testing (PCT) - Diagnostic test forinfertility in which vaginal and cervical secretions are obtained at the timeof suspected ovulation and following intercourse. These secretions are analyzedunder a microscope. Normal test results should show large numbers of live,motile sperm and a characteristic "ferning" pattern of cervicalmucus.性交后试验PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis): a procedure whereembryonic cells are removed and screened for chromosomal disorders or geneticdiseases before embryo transfer.胚胎植入前遗传学诊断PGS (preimplantation genetic screening) : analysis of polar bodies,blastomeres, or trophectodermfromoocytes, zygotes, or embryos for the detectionof aneuploidy, mutation, and/or DNA rearrangement.胚胎植入前遗传学筛查Preterm: a gestation of less than 37 weeks.早产Primary Infertility - Inability toconceive after one year of regular, unprotected intercourse (after 6 months ifthe woman is over age 35) for a couple who has never had a baby.原发不孕Progesterone - Hormone secretedby the corpus luteum of the ovary after ovulation has occurred. It isresponsible for preparing the uterus for pregnancy. Also maintains the placentaduring early pregnancy to prevent the embryo from miscarriage.孕酮Prostate - Gland in the malethat surrounds the first portion of the urethra near the bladder. It secretes aliquid that balances acid in the urethra and stimulates movement of the sperm.前列腺Recipient cycle: an ART treatment cycle in which a womanreceives oocytes or embryos from another woman.受赠周期Recurrent spontaneous abortion/miscarriage: the spontaneousloss of two or more clinical pregnancies.反复流产Retrograde Ejaculation - Discharge of spermbackward into the bladder rather than forward through the penis.逆行射精Retroverted Uterus - Uterus that isflexed severely forward or backward.子宫后倾Salpingolysis - Surgery to removeadhesions on the fallopian tubes.输卵管粘连分离术Salpingoplasty - Surgery to correct blocked fallopian tubes.输卵管复通术Scrotum - Bag of skin andthin muscle that holds the testicles.阴囊Secondary Infertility - Inability toconceive after 6 months of regular unprotected intercourse, or carry apregnancy when at least one partner has successfully conceived or carried oneor more pregnancies.继发性不孕Secondary sex ratio: the number of male liveborn babies per100 female liveborn babies.XB比Semen Analysis - Study of fresh ejaculate under the microscope to count thenumber of million sperm per milliliter or cubic centimeter, to check the shapeand size of the sperm (morphology), and to note their ability to move(motility).精液分析Semen - Composed ofelements formed by the testes (sperm) and the male accessory glands (prostateand seminal vesicle). Only a small part of the visible ejaculate (semen) comes from the testicle.精液Seminal Vesicle - Pair of pouch like glands around the prostate in the male thatproduce a thick alkaline secretion that is added to sperm during ejaculation.精囊腺Seminiferous Tubules - Long tubes in thetesticles in which sperm are formed.曲细精管Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) - Any infection pertaining to or transmitted by sexualintercourse. The most common STDs are gonorrhea, herpes and AIDS. Some STDs arereadily treatable if medical help is sought early. Certain STDs can causeinfertility in both men and women if untreated.性病Sperm (Spermatozoa) - Male reproductivecells that have measurable characteristics such as:

[*]Motility - Refers to the percentage of sperm demonstrating   any type of forward movement.
[*]Count (or Density) - Refers to the number of sperm present.
[*]Morphology - Refers to the form or shape of the sperm.
[*]Viability - Refers to whether the sperm are alive.
精子Sperm Antibodies - Presence of spermantibodies in the woman or man that tend to destroy sperm action byimmobilizing the sperm or making them clump together.精子抗体Sperm Washing - Technique thatseparates the sperm from the seminal fluid.精子洗涤

Spermatogenesis - Production of spermwithin the seminiferous tubules.精子发生

Spinnbarkeit - Stretch ability ofcervical mucus. This is a rough measure of how easily sperm cells can enter andpenetrate the cervical secretions.粘液成丝现象

Split Ejaculate - Method ofcollecting a semen specimen so that the first half of the ejaculate is caughtin one container and the rest in a second container. The first half usuallycontains the majority of the sperm and is then used to inseminate the woman.分程射精

Spontaneous abortion/miscarriage: the spontaneous loss of aclinical pregnancy before 20 completed weeks of gestational age (18 weeks afterfertilization) or, if gestational age is unknown, the loss of an embryo/fetusof less than 400 g.自然流产Surrogate Mother - Woman who becomespregnant through insemination with the sperm of the male partner of aninfertile woman and then, following pregnancy and birth, turns the child overfor adoption by the couple.DY妈妈Thaw cycle: an ART treatment cycle in which cryopreservedembryos are thawed with theintention of performing embryo transfer.解冻周期Thawed embryo: an embryo thawed after cryopreservation. It isused in thaw cycles.解冻的胚胎(冻胚)Testes - Male sexual glandsof which there are two. Contained in the scrotum, they produce the male hormonetestosterone and produce the male reproductive cells, the sperm. 睾丸Testicular Biopsy - Small surgicalexcision of testicular tissue to determine the ability of the cells to producenormal sperm or to diagnose possible neoplasm.睾丸活检Testicular Failure - Occurs when thetestes do not produce a normal number of mature sperm and when the hormonesneeded for normal sperm production (LH, FSH) are abnormally elevated.睾丸衰竭Testosterone - Most potent malesex hormone, which is produced in the testicles.睾酮TESA – Testicular SpermAspiration睾丸精子抽吸术(睾丸穿刺)TESE – Testicular SpermExtraction睾丸精子提取Thyroid Gland - Gland located atthe front base of the neck that secretes the thyroid hormone, found to be necessary for normal fertility.甲状腺Tubal Patency - Unobstructed andopen fallopian tubes.输卵管通畅Uterus - Hollow muscularorgan in the woman that holds and nourishes the fetus until the time of birth.子宫Vagina - Muscular opening inthe woman extending from the vulva to the cervix of the uterus.阴道Vaginismus - Spasm of themuscles around the opening of the vagina, making penetration during sexualintercourse either impossible or very painful. Can be caused by physical orpsychological conditions.阴道痉挛Varicocele - Collection ofvaricose veins in the scrotum. Blood flows in an abnormal direction in theseveins toward the testicle rather than the normal direction which is alwaystoward the heart. Elevated scrotal heat results.精索静脉曲张Vas Deferens - Pair of thick-walledtubes about 45 cm long in the male that lead from the epididymis to theejaculatory duct in the prostate.输精管Vasectomy - Surgery to excisepart of the vas deferens to sterilize a man.输精管切除术Viscosity - Thickness of semen.粘性Vitrification: an ultra-rapid cryopreservation method thatprevents ice formation within the suspension which is converted to a glass-likesolid.玻璃化冷冻 Vulva - External genitaliaof the female.外阴ZIFT – Zygote Intra fallopianTransfer ( transfer of the fertilized ovum or zygote in a normal fallopiantube)合子输卵管内转移:现在很少用Zona Pellucida - Outer covering ofthe egg/embryo.透明带Zygote - Egg that has beenfertilized but has not yet divided.受精卵,合子 精子sperm:密度density活力vitality活率motility rate形态morphology顶体acrosome顶体酶Acrosin卵子oocyte:GV期,MI期,MII期 (成熟卵母细胞)胚胎Embryo: 早期胚胎 early embryo   卵裂期胚胎 cleavage embryo桑椹胚morula 囊胚(blastula、Blastocyst)早期囊胚 early blastocyst扩张囊胚expanded blastocyst孵化囊胚Hatched blastocyst (HB)
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